On McKinney Music, “the best independent music magazine in the UK“, go on a musical journey with Justin Ra that takes listeners to new sound and soul realms.

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“Heavy Fog” (The Album)

Justin Ra's Heavy Fog is Available Now!
Justin Ra’s Heavy Fog is Available Now!

The brand-new album “Heavy Fog” by Justin Ra is referred to as a transformative journey that takes listeners on a trip across the cosmos. This album is what Justin refers to as “Galactic Jungle Music,” and it combines upbeat melodies with fast rhythms.

“Poetry of the Planet”

Track #1 “Poetry of the Planet”, a transcendent listening experience, has sweeping melodies and complex rhythms. This track establishes the vibe that persists throughout the record.

“Heavy Fog” (The Song)

In Track #2, the title track, Justin Ra’s masterful utilization of percussion and electronic sounds makes a mesmerizing groove for anyone who loves to lose themselves to rhythm.

“An Old Friend”

“An Old Friend”, track #6, takes us on an emotional journey and reaches its climax when Justin cries out, “Hold on to me, never let go, be free.” It conveys to the listener the significance of never letting go of those you love, especially yourself, through its soaring melodies and sincere lyrics.

The Album’s Message

This album’s message from Justin Ra is to focus on personal development and encourage a positive and fulfilling environment. It’s about creating a mental environment that is stable and supportive rather than overanalyzing or overthinking. It’s about knowing how much you are worth and seeing each day as an opportunity to learn and develop. It’s about remembering who you are at all times and the power of creativity.

Stay Up To Date

Fans can stay up to date on his most recent music and performances by visiting his website. Heavy Fog is available for purchase as well as streaming on major platforms, as well as at www.justinra.com.

Justin Ra

Justin Ra is a St. Louis, Missouri-based solo performer who was established as an artist in 2017. He uses a didgeridoo, djembe, guitar, and keyboard, while playing and looping vocals live. He mixes inspiring tunes with grooving, syncopated rhythms, bassy earthy tones, and an upbeat sound he calls “Galactic Jungle Music.” Click this link to learn more about the album “Heavy Fog” and to follow Justin Ra on social media: www.justinra.com.

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